Weltleitmesse für Wasser-, Abwasser-, Abfall- und Rohstoffwirtschaft Erstmalig hat sich die Stadtentwässerung Koblenz, Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Koblenz, in Partnerschaft mit dem projektbetreuenden Ingenieurbüro Götzelmann + Partner GmbH, beratende Ingenieure, auf einen eigenen Stand auf der Messe IFAT in München präsentieren können. Nationalem aber auch internationalem Publikum konnten die Aktivitäten in Koblenz zur energetischen Verwertung von … Read more
Elements in the grids of the future & funding possibilities for energy analyses Wednesday, 8th July 2015 in Koblenz Wastewater Treatment Plant 10:00 hours till approx.. 15:00 hours
Invitation to visit the „energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment plant“ Ladies and Gentlemen, The City of Koblenz is well on the way to transforming their wastewater treatment plant so that the energy it requires is produced by the plant itself. Currently, a new sludge drying plant is being built at a cost of around € 2.5 … Read more
On 2 December 2013, the “Europa vor Ort (Europe Direct)” event took place in Koblenz. During a press conference with State Minister Margit Conrad, interested persons had the opportunity to visit the Koblenz Wastewater Treatment Works and to learn more about the local project for an energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment plant, funded with EU funds. … Read more
On 27 March 2012, there was an on site inspection at the Koblenz central Wastewater Treatment Plant. This event was held under the motto “Energy optimization in wastewater treatment plants” and was organized and implemented by the Koblenz regional group of the BWK (German Federation of Water and Wastewater Engineers) together with the Technical Chamber … Read more
35th exchange of knowledge of cities with a population between 30,000 and 200,000 inhabitants in the DWA – regional association of Hessen (Hesse) / Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland Palatinate) / Saarland at site of the Koblenz Municipal Drainage from 24th – 25th August 2011. Erfahrungsaustausch Programm (PDF)
Bundesgartenschau (Federal Horticultural Show) Koblenz 2011 – the new design of Koblenz between 15th April and 16th October 2011.
26th exchange of knowledge of cities and communities up to 30,000 inhabitants in the area of the “Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord” (structure and approval management North) at site of the Betzdorf Wastewater Disposal on 10th March 2011.